Ravelry: Beyond Basics
Sunday, April 13th, 11-1
You know how to get a pattern, but there's much, much more to Ravelry! In this class we will dive deeper into the site learning how to use Ravlery for your advantage (e.g., tracking yardage, notes, photos), learning how to chat in forums (e.g., join groups, engage in discussions, reply to individuals, add progress photos), and navigate the search like a pro to find exactly what you want to knit.
Skill Level: Frequent Ravlery user
Skills required: comfort with navigating the search feature, documenting projects, yarn, and/or needles, and navigating the general site.
Prerequisites: Ravelry basics (if you are newer to using Ravelry or you do not frequently use Ravelry as a tool in your knitting practice)
Please bring whatever tool you use Ravlery on most frequently (phone, tablet, or computer).
Please note: the navigation on each device can differ, so if you are unsure which will work best for you, please bring multiple devices (if possible). In the class, I will have a computer, tablet, and phone available to help you navigate in a way that works for you.